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About Us

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Director J.R. Oglesby

Jeremiah 1: 16 - 19 KJV

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,


We live in times where you can see much of the description of Sodom and Gomorrah before GOD the FATHER destroyed its very existence on Earth in which is our hell on earth.


This is our training ground called Earth that Adam forfeited because of his, fear, doubt and unbelief that GOD the Creator could NOT replace Eve.


I have served GOD the Father as his messenger as an unorthodox man of GOD for over 40 years becoming righteous with Solomonic wisdom for everyone.


I am steered by GOD the Father, to those that may encounter the power of the Holy Spirit and the unconditional love of GOD the Father and His begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ in our ability through your support and gifts to help the displaced and the working homeless.


This is while remaining  on this flat earth as our training ground to learn how to give and love others unconditionally through sacrifice.


This ministry is about to take shape and launch the TRUTH and learning about the unspoken First Coming and the spoken and taught event of the Second Coming prophecies of the Lord Jesus Christ.


This is at a critical time of great need for me and others to understand and know the TRUTH that will set us free through Jesus’ spoken WORD in which is trustworthy and true.


My Ministry is to live and dwell in a Travelodge in Richmond Hill Georgia along with and among others that are NOT homeless unless circumstances can change that status but are of the Christian faith in which are on their luck of the draw in borderline homelessness, lost in there walk with Jesus due to their burdens facing daily their fear, doubt and unbelief while working in a lost and dying crime ridden world of Lust, Power and Greed.


My sister and me are living among many Christians, even though, their lack of faith, they are still children of GOD but but still sheep of the Lord Jesus Christ in which have strayed from the Faith and are border line into the threshold of becoming reprobate.

The other Children of GOD, male and female work in the Travelodge motel in housekeeping and maintenance.


Their faith as sheep are of the stumbling kind in trying to serve GOD and our Lord Jesus Christ while burden in guilt and sins of the flesh that separates them in serving the most high in relationship rather than as a task master. Their relationship with GOD is authoritarian as the Creator punishes for doing bad and rewards for goodness, the potter at the potter's wheel is NOT a task master.


Their countenance stays down because these dear brothers and sisters are NOT allowed a day off unless they are deathly sick because come, rain, snow or sleet those rooms must be ready for the nomadic wearied travelers that travel the interstate 95 corridor.


Therefore, if those employed are given a room as part of their income should take the day off, one is threatened by management with homelessness which unless you have been there, you can't imagine the fear, doubt and unbelief can shake the faithful to faithless when children or pets are involved. Those employees NOT knowing day to day or if their next weekly shelter is threatened in NOT making enough money to pay for that much needed shelter, if fired or quit.  


I have seen those working and living for months thrown out because of many circumstances that are beyond comprehension, excepting we must understand the other side of the coin in comprehending that the innkeeper can't pay his bills and he could lose his establishment to debt and worse.


A vicious cycle of the haves and the have nots, excepting the discernment with wisdom must separate the wheat in whom those in need from the chaff in those that threw away their substance to drugs, alcohol, gambling or illicit acts of irresponsibility that soon departs those fools from their money that buys shelter and substance to survive.


These brothers and sisters working at the Travelodge are making wages beyond logic because they are fearful of loosing their roof over their survival cost of the room of $450.00 a week.


Their room is counted as part of their income plus $ 60.00 cash app a week but some have been there a while, better than 2 or 3 years makes more plus weekly room rent.


Your gifts of love will help me to live in the Travelodge at 500.00 a week to minister to the lost and fallen as necessary, it will help me to the feed the needy that lands here on hard luck.


You gift helps our brothers and sisters that work at the Travelodge to breath a sigh of relief, when they are between Food Stamps or have run out of food due to their habitual habit of borrowing on their pay check, we gladly offer a hand up in food and sometime financial assistance on case by case basis but we do not support bad habits in which the devil gladly draws those down on their luck to experience fear, doubt and unbelief.


We also attempt to help out in any way necessary but NOT to support their habits or vices.


We have travelers down and out landing here for multiple reasons, sometimes if it is nothing but looking for gas money to finish out their journey due or due to a car breakdown expense.


We have a mechanic on call that donates his time and we buy parts for those travelers.


Our main goal is to teach righteousness to those that GOD the Father leads us to in their time of need with a hand up, NOT a hand out to show the unconditional love of GOD the FATHER and his begotten son, where they may see the Lord Jesus Christ's giving to a lost and dying world.


True love is sacrifice, our GOD the Father supplies all our needs but he also gives us substance from you and others in which are or are NOT children of GOD, helping those in need from your DONATIONS and GIFTS of LOVE from your ABUNDANCE and measures of true love for your fellow man as Sacrificial OFFERINGS.


YOU and others have the ability to give for worthy causes liking to the PSYOP, the Sandy Hook Massacre where millions were donated to a full blown HOAX, where no one died. Yes, I said NO ONE IS DEAD.

Our time is short as spoken of in Matthew 24:34 KJV, do you think its a coincidence that this generation is called Millennium. When Jesus says, " Verily I say unto you. This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Then afterwards those still alive will reign with Jesus for a millennium (Thousand Years).


GOD the Father has now established this two fold ministry to reveal, expose, and prepare HIS children to NOT be fooled or swayed to accept the mark of the beast, yes I said MINISTRY of TRUTH about this country and the world of players claiming to be one person of power but in reality are foreign powers as spies against our NATION of the red white and blue.


We will give you PROOF in facts uncovering visual evidence of fake shootings, disasters created by those powers of shadow government called the illumi Corp in the United States, Canada and Latin America, across the pond is the illuminate. All this and more will bring the TRUTH behind the news, Pestilence, Earthquake in divers places, wars and rumor of wars perpetuated by the commission of 300 that truly run our world of 8 Billion and counting.


Through OUR ministry of TRUTH which is sent and ordained from the Thrones of Jesus and GOD the Father as the Creator (Revelation 3: 21 KJV) forms the GOD HEAD through the Holy Spirit to expose and reveal the TRUTH of it all.


We are NOT an IRS 501-C (3) servant of charity or religious tax exempt ministry. We have no intensions in becoming one.


All your monetary sacrifices and GIFTS of LOVE will be used wisely because we pay taxes to render what is Caesars. This way transparency is practiced. This way where a full accounting to the government and you the donor can see our books of accounting by request.


The LORD says, "And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marveled at him." Mark 12:17 KJV

In my first encounter with GOD the Father, He promised me through my faith, which has taken years to build to a mustard seed but my word as like His does NOT go void.


I gave Him my word over 40 years ago at an epiphany with GOD the FATHER was present, my promise at this epiphany was to uphold His holy name and His only begotten son's name as the only holy one of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ, as our redeemer and the advocate to GOD the Father.


GOD the Father promised me a hedge of protection for my immediate family for over 40 years of service and counting He has kept His Word and promise of protection.

In return for my promise, God the Father also upon my request promised me TRUTH about Him and His son, no matter how good, bad, and / or indifferent it sounded. He has kept his promise and for 40 years I have kept my promise to defend, teach and preach his WORD (Gospel and Revelation of Jesus Christ) with a slant of the real TRUTH about whom I serve day and night.


GOD the FATHER has given me a panoramic view about the real TRUTH with that tiny little lie that lies wait in the near future that even if it was possible, the very elect will believeth the lie, while it festers manipulating our lives daily as if a boil on the back between the shoulders builds with puss mixed with blood harboring the core of the boil that could erupt with enough pressure to pop out on to the mirror of future possibilities predicting the mirrored Truth that GOD is a MYTH within our Belief system.

Here is a prime example:










In these days GOD has given me TRUTH beyond comprehension for the times that faces us as believers, liking to God's promise to Solomon for building His Temple, GOD gave Solomon universal knowledge with Wisdom and now for this time in history, I too have been granted the same but a little twist I will expose those pedaling truth with that one lie in which those spread lies about HIM and His begotten son.


I am referring to those who claims to have TRUTH but lies to our faces in which they are in reality from their mother's womb and beyond the tomb.

God granted Solomon universal knowledge and wisdom of God the Father to rule Israel’s people well. I Kings 3 KJV


I have been given permission directly from the Throne of GOD the FATHER to prepare those that are steered to this website, the TRUTH of the First coming and Second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and those to be exposed that speak TRUTH based upon a lie that sets the TRUTH as all lies.


This is currently our ministry to spread the TRUTH about our very soon coming as Jesus' Bride of Christ that soon will meet him in the air at a point in time of the Tribulation appointed by GOD the FATHER, in which has began April 1, 2023. Joel 2:23 KJV and will end with the Lord Jesus Christ Second Coming by 2030 the millennium will began in Abib. Hosea 6:1-3 KJV


Will your lamp be full of oil when he comes or will you be left behind? Only you can answer that question but we can equip you to know where you are Spiritually and how to understand the Revelation of Jesus Christ.


Please Help Us Get The TRUTH out supported by the WORD of TRUTH and give to those that live or stay under our haven of TRUTH in the Travelodge of Richmond Hill Georgia.

You can make a difference by your Donations of LOVE to our ministry of the TRUTH Will Set Us Free. Amen? I remain and beyond.

In His Service

J.R. Oglesby

J. R. Oglesby


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